©Wendell Griffen, 2023 Senator Bill Lewellen and Randall Robinson recently joined the ancestors. Both men were Black lawyers. Both were unflinching civil rights activists. We should honor their lives and work. Bill Lewellen was one of two Black lawyers from Lee County – the other being retired Court of Appeals Judge Olly Neal – who challenged white supremacy and race discrimination in Lee County, other Southeast Arkansas communities, and in Arkansas public policies. Like Olly Neal, Bill Lewellen commuted daily from Marianna to attend law school at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. As a state senator, he sponsored the legislation that created the Arkansas Minority Health Commission so that Arkansas could focus on racial disparities in health. He was one of the lead lawyers for the plaintiffs in the landmark Lakeview School District lawsuit that challenged the way state funding was distributed for public school districts. Lewellen’s work to improve life for pe...